USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service 2009 Mississippi Cropland Data Layer CLASSIFICATION INPUTS: AWIFS DATE 20090420 PATH 276 ROW(S)&QUADRANT(S) 45BD AWIFS DATE 20090519 PATH 277 ROW(S)&QUADRANT(S) 40BD 45B 50B AWIFS DATE 20090701 PATH 276 ROW(S)&QUADRANT(S) 44D 45AD 48AB AWIFS DATE 20090725 PATH 276 ROW(S)&QUADRANT(S) 45ABD 50B LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090411 PATH 022 ROW(S) 27 28 29 30 31 35 38 39 LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090427 PATH 022 ROW(S) 036 LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090520 PATH 023 ROW(S) 27 29 34 35 36 37 38 LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090621 PATH 023 ROW(S) 27 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090630 PATH 022 ROW(S) 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090709 PATH 021 ROW(S) 28 29 30 31 34 36 37 38 39 LANDSAT 5 TM DATE 20090808 PATH 023 ROW(S) 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 MODIS 16 DAY NDVI COMPOSITE DATE 20081031 MODIS 16 DAY NDVI COMPOSITE DATE 20090101 MODIS 16 DAY NDVI COMPOSITE DATE 20090202 MODIS 16 DAY NDVI COMPOSITE DATE 20090423 USGS, NATIONAL ELEVATION DATASET ELEVATION USGS, NATIONAL LAND COVER DATASET 2001 TREE CANOPY USGS, NATIONAL LAND COVER DATASET 2001 IMPERVIOUSNESS TRAINING AND VALIDATION: USDA, FARM SERVICE AGENCY 2009 COMMON LAND UNIT DATA USGS, NATIONAL LAND COVER DATASET 2001 NOTE: The final extent of the CDL is clipped to the state boundary even though the raw input data may encompass a larger area.
USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2009 Mississippi Cropland Data Layer STATEWIDE AGRICULTURAL ACCURACY REPORT Crop-specific covers only *Correct Accuracy Error Kappa ------------------------- ------- -------- ------ ----- OVERALL ACCURACY** 279097 85.28% 14.72% 0.7688 Cover Attribute *Correct Producer's Omission User's Commission Cond'l Type Code Pixels Accuracy Error Kappa Accuracy Error Kappa ---- ---- ------ -------- ----- ----- -------- ----- ----- Corn 1 52522 92.02% 7.98% 0.9064 86.97% 13.03% 0.8485 Cotton 2 16197 84.17% 15.83% 0.8334 80.08% 19.92% 0.7910 Rice 3 24816 93.28% 6.72% 0.9280 92.42% 7.58% 0.9190 Sorghum 4 117 21.83% 78.17% 0.2178 46.06% 53.94% 0.4599 Soybeans 5 172005 92.03% 7.97% 0.8558 94.15% 5.85% 0.8922 Sunflowers 6 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 Peanuts 10 776 46.61% 53.39% 0.4644 62.48% 37.52% 0.6233 Sweet Corn 12 21 5.15% 94.85% 0.0514 58.33% 41.67% 0.5829 Winter Wheat 24 1649 52.97% 47.03% 0.5268 66.09% 33.91% 0.6583 W. Wht./Soy. Dbl. Crop 26 5510 87.75% 12.25% 0.8752 73.35% 26.65% 0.7293 Oats 28 1 2.56% 97.44% 0.0256 25.00% 75.00% 0.2499 Millet 29 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 0.00% 100.00% -0.0003 Other Hays 37 4302 41.34% 58.66% 0.3988 43.38% 56.62% 0.4190 Other Crops 44 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 0.00% 100.00% -0.0001 Sweet Potatoes 46 85 18.89% 81.11% 0.1886 60.71% 39.29% 0.6067 Misc. Vegs. & Fruits 47 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 n/a n/a n/a Watermelon 48 3 4.29% 95.71% 0.0428 17.65% 82.35% 0.1763 Peas 53 1 5.26% 94.74% 0.0526 100.00% 0.00% 1.0000 Clover/Wildflowers 58 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 n/a n/a n/a Seed/Sod Grass 59 0 0.00% 100.00% 0.0000 n/a n/a n/a Fallow/Idle Cropland 61 1092 20.82% 79.18% 0.2027 38.88% 61.12% 0.3808 Other Tree Nuts 71 68 20.42% 79.58% 0.2039 45.64% 54.36% 0.4559 Aquaculture 92 3218 60.14% 39.86% 0.5982 98.29% 1.71% 0.9827 *Correct Pixels represents the total number of independent validation pixels correctly identifed in the error matrix. **The Overall Accuracy represents only the FSA row crops and annual fruit and vegetables. FSA-sampled tree and shrub crops, aquaculture, and all NLCD-sampled categories are not included in the overall accuracy.The accuracy of the non-agricultural land cover classes within the Cropland Data Layer is entirely dependent upon the USGS, National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD 2001). Thus, the USDA, NASS recommends that users consider the NLCD for studies involving non-agricultural land cover. For more information on the accuracy of the NLCD please reference <>.
Map_Projection_Name: Albers Conical Equal Area Albers_Conical_Equal_Area: Standard_Parallel: 29.500000 Standard_Parallel: 45.500000 Longitude_of_Central_Meridian: -96.000000 Latitude_of_Projection_Origin: 23.000000 False_Easting: 0.000000 False_Northing: 0.000000 Planar_Coordinate_Information: Planar_Coordinate_Encoding_Method: row and column Coordinate_Representation: Abscissa_Resolution: 56 Ordinate_Resolution: 56 Planar_Distance_Units: meters Geodetic_Model: Horizontal_Datum_Name: North American Datum of 1983 Ellipsoid_Name: Geodetic Reference System 80 Semi-major_Axis: 6378137.000000 Denominator_of_Flattening_Ratio: 298.257223563
Data Dictionary: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2009 Mississippi Cropland Data Layer Source: USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service The following is a cross reference list of the categorization codes and land covers. Note that not all land cover categories listed below will appear in an individual state. Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 1-20 Categorization Code Land Cover "1" Corn "2" Cotton "3" Rice "4" Sorghum "5" Soybeans "6" Sunflowers "10" Peanuts "11" Tobacco "12" Sweet Corn "13" Popcorn or Ornamental Corn "14" Mint Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: GRAINS,HAY,SEEDS 21-40 Categorization Code Land Cover "21" Barley "22" Durum Wheat "23" Spring Wheat "24" Winter Wheat "25" Other Small Grains "26" Winter Wheat/Soybeans Double-Cropped "27" Rye "28" Oats "29" Millet "30" Speltz "31" Canola "32" Flaxseed "33" Safflower "34" Rape seed "35" Mustard "36" Alfalfa "37" Other Hays "38" Camelina Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 41-60 Categorization Code Land Cover "41" Sugarbeets "42" Dry Beans "43" Potatoes "44" Other Crops "45" Sugarcane "46" Sweet Potatoes "47" Miscellaneous Vegetables & Fruit "48" Watermelon "49" Onions "50" Pickles "51" Chick Peas "52" Lentils "53" Peas "54" Tomatoes "55" Caneberry "56" Hops "57" Herbs "58" Clover/Wildflowers "59" Seed/Sod Grass "60" Switchgrass Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: NON-CROP 61-65 Categorization Code Land Cover "61" Fallow/Idle Cropland "62" Grass/Pasture "63" Woodland "64" Shrubland "65" Barren Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 66-80 Categorization Code Land Cover "66" Cherry Orchards "67" Peaches "68" Apples "69" Grapes "70" Christmas Trees "71" Other Tree Nuts "72" Citrus "73" Other Tree Fruit "74" Pecans "75" Almonds "76" Walnuts "77" Pear "80" Other Non-Tree Fruit Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: OTHER 81-99 Categorization Code Land Cover "81" Clouds "82" Urban/Developed "83" Water "87" Wetlands "92" Aquaculture Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: NLCD-DERIVED NON-CROP 100-195 Categorization Code Land Cover "111" NLCD - Open Water "112" NLCD - Perennial Ice, Snow "121" NLCD - Developed/Open Space "122" NLCD - Developed/Low Intensity "123" NLCD - Developed/Medium Intensity "124" NLCD - Developed/High Intensity "131" NLCD - Barren "141" NLCD - Deciduous Forest "142" NLCD - Evergreen Forest "143" NLCD - Mixed Forest "152" NLCD - Shrubland "171" NLCD - Grassland Herbaceous "181" NLCD - Pasture/Hay "182" NLCD - Cultivated Crop "190" NLCD - Woody Wetlands "195" NLCD - Herbaceous Wetlands Raster Attribute Domain Values and Definitions: CROPS 195-255 Categorization Code Land Cover "204" Pistachios "205" Triticale "206" Carrots "207" Asparagus "208" Garlic "209" Cantaloupe "210" Prunes "211" Olives "212" Oranges "213" Honeydew Melon "214" Broccoli "216" Peppers "217" Pomegranates "218" Nectarine "219" Greens "220" Plums "221" Strawberries "222" Squash "223" Apricots "224" Vetch "225" Dbl. Crop WinWht/Corn "226" Dbl. Crop Oats/Corn "227" Lettuce "228" Cucumber "229" Pumpkin "230" Dbl. Crop Lettuce/Durum Wht "231" Dbl. Crop Lettuce/Cantaloupe "232" Dbl. Crop Lettuce/Upland Cotton "233" Dbl. Crop Lettuce/Barley "234" Dbl. Crop Durum Wht/Sorghum "235" Dbl. Crop Barley/Sorghum "236" Dbl. Crop WinWht/Sorghum "237" Dbl. Crop Barley/Corn "238" Dbl. Crop WinWht/Cotton "239" Dbl. Crop Soybeans/Cotton "240" Dbl. Crop Soybeans/Oats "241" Dbl. Crop Corn/Soybeans "242" Blueberry "243" Cabbage "244" Cauliflower "245" Celery "246" Radish "247" Turnip "248" Eggplant "249" Gourds "250" Cranberry "254" Dbl. Crop Barley/Soybeans
Instructions for downloading from the NRCS Geospatial Data Gateway: Start by clicking on 'Get Data' Then click on 'Quick State' Scroll down to choose your state and click 'Continue' Choose 'Land_use_land_cover' and select 'Cropland Data Layer by State' and 'Continue to Step3' Choose 'Continue' to Step4 Lastly, you are given the option to download the data for free or to order the official DVD/CD for the cost of the reproduction.