If the following table does not display properly, then please visit the CDL Metadata webpage at <https://www.nass.usda.gov/Research_and_Science/Cropland/metadata/meta.php> to view the original file. Accuracy at the individual state-level can be viewed at the CDL Metadata webpage.
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service, 2023 Cropland Data Layer
Crop-specific covers only *Correct Accuracy Error Kappa
------------------------- ------- -------- ------ -----
FSA Crops 16,630,392 81.6% 18.4% 0.788
Cover Attribute *Correct Producer's Omission User's Commission Cond'l
Type Code Pixels Accuracy Error Kappa Accuracy Error Kappa
---- ---- ------ -------- ----- ----- -------- ----- -----
Corn 1 4,756,830 90.5% 9.5% 0.891 93.0% 7.0% 0.919
Cotton 2 751,873 86.4% 13.6% 0.861 86.2% 13.8% 0.859
Rice 3 291,151 93.6% 6.4% 0.936 97.4% 2.6% 0.974
Sorghum 4 253,934 67.7% 32.3% 0.674 73.3% 26.7% 0.731
Soybeans 5 4,068,090 90.0% 10.0% 0.888 91.8% 8.2% 0.908
Sunflower 6 39,961 73.9% 26.1% 0.738 86.9% 13.1% 0.868
Peanuts 10 233,305 80.7% 19.3% 0.806 88.1% 11.9% 0.880
Tobacco 11 3,651 57.1% 42.9% 0.571 79.7% 20.3% 0.797
Sweet Corn 12 12,806 60.2% 39.8% 0.602 79.6% 20.4% 0.796
Pop or Orn Corn 13 8,934 65.0% 35.0% 0.650 88.5% 11.5% 0.885
Mint 14 4,243 66.3% 33.7% 0.663 86.0% 14.0% 0.860
Barley 21 129,067 68.2% 31.8% 0.681 77.8% 22.2% 0.777
Durum Wheat 22 50,829 72.1% 27.9% 0.721 79.1% 20.9% 0.790
Spring Wheat 23 394,374 86.2% 13.8% 0.861 82.7% 17.3% 0.825
Winter Wheat 24 1,231,250 85.3% 14.7% 0.847 85.4% 14.6% 0.848
Other Small Grains 25 254 39.4% 60.6% 0.394 67.9% 32.1% 0.679
Dbl Crop WinWht/Soybeans 26 390,071 83.2% 16.8% 0.830 84.6% 15.4% 0.844
Rye 27 19,261 38.5% 61.5% 0.385 62.2% 37.8% 0.621
Oats 28 41,650 40.2% 59.8% 0.401 63.2% 36.8% 0.631
Millet 29 32,972 54.2% 45.8% 0.541 71.0% 29.0% 0.710
Speltz 30 76 13.3% 86.7% 0.133 42.7% 57.3% 0.427
Canola 31 77,955 85.9% 14.1% 0.859 93.0% 7.0% 0.929
Flaxseed 32 2,239 36.5% 63.5% 0.365 72.2% 27.8% 0.722
Safflower 33 8,177 54.9% 45.1% 0.549 71.9% 28.1% 0.719
Rape Seed 34 39 23.5% 76.5% 0.235 61.9% 38.1% 0.619
Mustard 35 6,706 59.2% 40.8% 0.592 82.2% 17.8% 0.822
Alfalfa 36 1,026,510 81.8% 18.2% 0.812 82.4% 17.6% 0.819
Other Hay/Non Alfalfa 37 901,122 59.4% 40.6% 0.580 70.3% 29.7% 0.691
Camelina 38 1,035 37.6% 62.4% 0.376 72.8% 27.2% 0.728
Buckwheat 39 629 36.3% 63.7% 0.363 73.1% 26.9% 0.731
Sugarbeets 41 60,850 88.0% 12.0% 0.880 94.1% 5.9% 0.941
Dry Beans 42 52,273 72.7% 27.3% 0.726 84.1% 15.9% 0.841
Potatoes 43 86,943 85.9% 14.1% 0.859 89.5% 10.5% 0.894
Other Crops 44 3,158 30.1% 69.9% 0.301 69.7% 30.3% 0.697
Sugarcane 45 136,592 96.0% 4.0% 0.959 96.5% 3.5% 0.965
Sweet Potatoes 46 7,904 70.2% 29.8% 0.701 92.3% 7.7% 0.923
Misc Vegs & Fruits 47 54 7.1% 92.9% 0.071 16.6% 83.4% 0.166
Watermelons 48 1,675 41.8% 58.2% 0.418 69.8% 30.2% 0.698
Onions 49 11,134 67.9% 32.1% 0.679 79.5% 20.5% 0.795
Cucumbers 50 1,560 54.5% 45.5% 0.545 78.4% 21.6% 0.784
Chick Peas 51 21,919 79.8% 20.2% 0.798 86.3% 13.7% 0.863
Lentils 52 19,795 70.7% 29.3% 0.707 81.5% 18.5% 0.815
Peas 53 40,952 70.8% 29.2% 0.708 83.4% 16.6% 0.834
Tomatoes 54 22,315 85.6% 14.4% 0.856 84.8% 15.2% 0.848
Caneberries 55 618 77.4% 22.6% 0.774 71.9% 28.1% 0.719
Hops 56 5,731 92.3% 7.7% 0.923 93.8% 6.2% 0.938
Herbs 57 2,494 33.2% 66.8% 0.332 69.7% 30.3% 0.697
Clover/Wildflowers 58 7,248 51.7% 48.3% 0.516 74.4% 25.6% 0.743
Sod/Grass Seed 59 71,502 75.5% 24.5% 0.754 82.5% 17.5% 0.825
Switchgrass 60 349 49.6% 50.4% 0.496 66.7% 33.3% 0.667
Fallow/Idle Cropland 61 705,515 77.6% 22.4% 0.771 85.9% 14.1% 0.856
Cherries 66 6,248 77.4% 22.6% 0.774 81.7% 18.3% 0.817
Peaches 67 3,174 63.9% 36.1% 0.639 77.2% 22.8% 0.772
Apples 68 20,231 82.8% 17.2% 0.828 85.5% 14.5% 0.855
Grapes 69 33,787 90.2% 9.8% 0.902 92.5% 7.5% 0.925
Christmas Trees 70 1,153 37.4% 62.6% 0.374 61.2% 38.8% 0.612
Other Tree Crops 71 6,667 76.2% 23.8% 0.762 76.8% 23.2% 0.768
Citrus 72 19,216 88.9% 11.1% 0.889 86.8% 13.2% 0.868
Pecans 74 48,609 82.3% 17.7% 0.822 94.0% 6.0% 0.940
Almonds 75 57,934 92.0% 8.0% 0.920 90.6% 9.4% 0.906
Walnuts 76 14,991 89.2% 10.8% 0.892 89.5% 10.5% 0.895
Pears 77 2,098 75.8% 24.2% 0.758 82.6% 17.4% 0.826
Aquaculture 92 48,991 90.9% 9.1% 0.909 92.4% 7.6% 0.924
Open Water 111 492,266 92.1% 7.9% 0.920 92.0% 8.0% 0.919
Perennial Ice/Snow 112 1,448 56.5% 43.5% 0.565 73.7% 26.3% 0.737
Developed/Open Space 121 839,810 97.9% 2.1% 0.978 76.6% 23.4% 0.760
Developed/Low Intensity 122 555,783 99.3% 0.7% 0.993 85.3% 14.7% 0.851
Developed/Med Intensity 123 315,518 99.7% 0.3% 0.997 92.0% 8.0% 0.919
Developed/High Intensity 124 117,434 99.9% 0.1% 0.999 97.5% 2.5% 0.975
Barren 131 164,159 81.3% 18.7% 0.812 86.0% 14.0% 0.859
Deciduous Forest 141 2,904,050 86.8% 13.2% 0.855 79.3% 20.7% 0.774
Evergreen Forest 142 2,259,390 84.2% 15.8% 0.830 80.0% 20.0% 0.785
Mixed Forest 143 528,086 48.3% 51.7% 0.471 56.2% 43.8% 0.550
Shrubland 152 3,675,410 89.7% 10.3% 0.885 89.8% 10.2% 0.887
Grassland/Pasture 176 3,068,770 81.9% 18.1% 0.798 75.2% 24.8% 0.726
Woody Wetlands 190 1,024,430 71.4% 28.6% 0.703 71.5% 28.5% 0.705
Herbaceous Wetlands 195 248,567 59.9% 40.1% 0.596 68.2% 31.8% 0.678
Pistachios 204 25,326 90.9% 9.1% 0.909 88.0% 12.0% 0.880
Triticale 205 25,662 33.0% 67.0% 0.330 58.0% 42.0% 0.580
Carrots 206 1,675 49.7% 50.3% 0.497 56.1% 43.9% 0.561
Asparagus 207 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.000 0.0% 100.0% 0.000
Garlic 208 1,492 63.1% 36.9% 0.631 66.0% 34.0% 0.660
Cantaloupes 209 412 34.9% 65.1% 0.349 43.7% 56.3% 0.437
Prunes 210 0 n/a n/a n/a 0.0% 100.0% 0.000
Olives 211 1,765 78.8% 21.2% 0.788 84.7% 15.3% 0.847
Oranges 212 243,040 98.7% 1.3% 0.987 98.4% 1.6% 0.984
Honeydew Melons 213 47 30.5% 69.5% 0.305 30.1% 69.9% 0.301
Broccoli 214 810 44.0% 56.0% 0.440 36.4% 63.6% 0.364
Avocados 215 78 63.9% 36.1% 0.639 44.1% 55.9% 0.441
Peppers 216 1,034 41.0% 59.0% 0.410 60.6% 39.4% 0.606
Pomegranates 217 1,583 95.0% 5.0% 0.950 87.1% 12.9% 0.871
Nectarines 218 20 16.4% 83.6% 0.164 50.0% 50.0% 0.500
Greens 219 1,108 43.5% 56.5% 0.434 36.1% 63.9% 0.361
Plums 220 137 11.5% 88.5% 0.115 45.1% 54.9% 0.451
Strawberries 221 555 65.6% 34.4% 0.656 79.4% 20.6% 0.794
Squash 222 487 26.2% 73.8% 0.262 54.6% 45.4% 0.546
Apricots 223 14 34.1% 65.9% 0.341 7.5% 92.5% 0.075
Vetch 224 43 11.5% 88.5% 0.115 76.8% 23.2% 0.768
Dbl Crop WinWht/Corn 225 21,052 50.7% 49.3% 0.507 64.0% 36.0% 0.639
Dbl Crop Oats/Corn 226 7,245 62.4% 37.6% 0.623 70.0% 30.0% 0.700
Lettuce 227 2,344 42.7% 57.3% 0.427 44.4% 55.6% 0.444
Dbl Crop Triticale/Corn 228 24,193 56.3% 43.7% 0.562 71.2% 28.8% 0.711
Pumpkins 229 1,672 35.2% 64.8% 0.352 79.4% 20.6% 0.794
Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cantaloupe 231 954 72.2% 27.8% 0.722 62.6% 37.4% 0.626
Dbl Crop Lettuce/Cotton 232 1,634 64.5% 35.5% 0.645 73.8% 26.2% 0.738
Dbl Crop Lettuce/Barley 233 224 68.5% 31.5% 0.685 28.3% 71.7% 0.283
Dbl Crop Barley/Sorghum 235 0 n/a n/a n/a 0.0% 100.0% 0.000
Dbl Crop WinWht/Sorghum 236 17,967 37.9% 62.1% 0.378 61.0% 39.0% 0.609
Dbl Crop Barley/Corn 237 4,282 55.7% 44.3% 0.557 65.9% 34.1% 0.659
Dbl Crop WinWht/Cotton 238 6,486 32.1% 67.9% 0.321 62.3% 37.7% 0.623
Dbl Crop Soybeans/Cotton 239 0 0.0% 100.0% 0.000 n/a n/a n/a
Dbl Crop Soybeans/Oats 240 1,637 24.5% 75.5% 0.245 63.8% 36.2% 0.638
Dbl Crop Corn/Soybeans 241 882 54.5% 45.5% 0.545 92.2% 7.8% 0.922
Blueberries 242 10,579 77.1% 22.9% 0.771 83.9% 16.1% 0.839
Cabbage 243 1,640 52.8% 47.2% 0.528 69.8% 30.2% 0.698
Cauliflower 244 72 10.1% 89.9% 0.101 23.4% 76.6% 0.234
Celery 245 98 24.9% 75.1% 0.249 34.9% 65.1% 0.349
Radishes 246 80 12.1% 87.9% 0.121 65.6% 34.4% 0.656
Turnips 247 99 31.8% 68.2% 0.318 54.7% 45.3% 0.547
Eggplants 248 4 13.3% 86.7% 0.133 23.5% 76.5% 0.235
Gourds 249 28 29.2% 70.8% 0.292 66.7% 33.3% 0.667
Cranberries 250 130 52.8% 47.2% 0.528 79.8% 20.2% 0.798
Dbl Crop Barley/Soybeans 254 8,119 58.7% 41.3% 0.587 80.9% 19.1% 0.809
*Correct Pixels represents the total number of independent validation pixels correctly identified in the error matrix.
**The Overall Accuracy represents only the FSA row crops and annual fruit and vegetables (codes 1-61, 66-80, 92 and 200-255).
FSA-sampled grass and pasture. Non-agricultural and NLCD-sampled categories (codes 62-65, 81-91 and 93-199) are not included in the Overall Accuracy.
The accuracy of the non-agricultural land cover classes within the Cropland Data Layer is entirely dependent upon the USGS, National Land Cover Database. Thus, the USDA NASS recommends that users consider the NLCD for studies involving non-agricultural land cover. For more information on the accuracy of the NLCD please reference <https://www.mrlc.gov/>.