MS Cemeteries 2023 Shapefile Thumbnail Tags Rankin, Smith, Pike, Marion, Monroe, Campground, MS, Union, Alcorn, Harrison, Benton, Newton, Marshall, School:Elementary, Attala, Trade School, Coahoma, Franklin, Stone, Copiah, Town Hall, Lee, Law Enforcement, State Capitol, DeSoto, Pontotoc, Grenada, United States, Sunflower, Lowndes, Courthouse, Adams, George, Winston, Leflore, Claiborne, Oktibbeha, Holmes, Bolivar, Jasper, Lafayette, Clay, Lincoln, Information Center, Greene, School, Panola, Tate, Noxubee, Tallahatchie, Neshoba, College / University, Warren, Lamar, Clarke, Jefferson Davis, Choctaw, Visitor Center, Tishomingo, State, Jackson, Walthall, Webster, Quitman, Jones, Covington, Simpson, Carroll, Hancock, Washington, Forrest, Amite, Chickasaw, Wayne, Hospital/Medical Center, Esri Shapefile nan, Fire Station/ EMS Station, Trailhead, Post Office, School:Middle School, Calhoun, Lawrence, Hinds, School:High School, Madison, Tunica, Scott, Yazoo, Kemper, Perry, Montgomery, Lauderdale, Wilkinson, Sharkey, Technical School, Humphreys, National Structures Dataset (NSD), Prison/ Correctional Facility, Leake, Issaquena, Itawamba, Jefferson, US, Pearl River, Mississippi, structure, Tippah, Yalobusha, Prentiss Summary MS Cemeteries The data for this product are created as follows. All geospatial content is taken from national geospatial databases under the stewardship of USGS data programs. The vector data are processed using ESRI ArcGIS software and exported. Map formatting is performed using a custom application, which includes post-processing to embed the metadata XML document. It is a general purpose dataset for users who are not GIS experts. The geospatial data are from selected National Map data holdings and other government sources. Content is derived from USGS national geospatial databases. The data is owned and hosted by the USGS, but does not preclude using data sources owned and hosted by other organizations, provided that these sources have been approved by the USGS data program. Description MS cemeteries extracted from the USGS National Structure data set by MARIS staff July 13, 2023. Metadata information can also be obtained through online services using The National Map Viewer, at or EarthExplorer, at or Ask USGS at Credits USGS Use limitations None. However, users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and that some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated for products derived from these data. Extent West -91.651339 East -88.119415 North 34.998173 South 30.201916 Scale Range Maximum (zoomed in) 1:24,000 Minimum (zoomed out) 1:24,000 ArcGIS Metadata . Topics and Keywords . THEMES OR CATEGORIES OF THE RESOURCE structure, society * CONTENT TYPE Downloadable Data EXPORT TO FGDC CSDGM XML FORMAT AS RESOURCE DESCRIPTION No PLACE KEYWORDS Rankin, Smith, Pike, Marion, Monroe, MS, Union, Alcorn, Harrison, Benton, Newton, Marshall, Attala, Coahoma, Franklin, Stone, Copiah, Lee, DeSoto, Pontotoc, Grenada, United States, Sunflower, Lowndes, Adams, George, Winston, Leflore, Claiborne, Oktibbeha, Holmes, Bolivar, Jasper, Lafayette, Clay, Lincoln, Greene, Panola, Tate, Noxubee, Tallahatchie, Neshoba, Warren, Lamar, Clarke, Jefferson Davis, Choctaw, Tishomingo, Jackson, Walthall, Webster, Quitman, Jones, Covington, Simpson, Carroll, Hancock, Washington, Forrest, Amite, Chickasaw, Wayne, Calhoun, Lawrence, Hinds, Madison, Tunica, Scott, Yazoo, Kemper, Perry, Montgomery, Lauderdale, Wilkinson, Sharkey, Humphreys, Leake, Issaquena, Itawamba, Jefferson, US, Pearl River, Mississippi, Tippah, Yalobusha, Prentiss THESAURUS . TITLE Geographic Names Information System Hide Thesaurus . THEME KEYWORDS Campground, School:Elementary, Trade School, Town Hall, Law Enforcement, State Capitol, Courthouse, Information Center, School, College / University, Visitor Center, State, Hospital/Medical Center, Esri Shapefile nan, Fire Station/ EMS Station, Trailhead, Post Office, School:Middle School, School:High School, Technical School, National Structures Dataset (NSD), Prison/ Correctional Facility THEME KEYWORDS structure THESAURUS . TITLE ISO 19115 Topic Category Hide Thesaurus . Hide Topics and Keywords . Citation . TITLE MS Cemeteries 2023 PUBLICATION DATE 2023-06-15 00:00:00 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data Hide Citation . Citation Contacts . RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Technical Operations Center CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME U.S. Geological Survey CONTACT'S ROLE publisher CONTACT INFORMATION . ADDRESS DELIVERY POINT Reston, VA Hide Contact information . Hide Citation Contacts . Resource Details . DATASET LANGUAGES English (UNITED STATES) STATUS completed SPATIAL REPRESENTATION TYPE vector GRAPHIC OVERVIEW FILE NAME FILE DESCRIPTION Thumbnail JPG image FILE TYPE JPEG SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION Features of this dataset are various private and public man-made structures and installations. * PROCESSING ENVIRONMENT Version 6.2 (Build 9200) ; Esri ArcGIS CREDITS USGS ARCGIS ITEM PROPERTIES * NAME MS_Cemeteries_2023 * SIZE 0.162 * LOCATION file://\\DESKTOP-TP9LNVL\F$\DATA\00_CULTURAL\MS_Cemeteries_2023.shp * ACCESS PROTOCOL Local Area Network Hide Resource Details . Extents . EXTENT DESCRIPTION publication date TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2023-06-15 ENDING DATE 2023-06-15 EXTENT GEOGRAPHIC EXTENT BOUNDING RECTANGLE WEST LONGITUDE -91.65501 EAST LONGITUDE -88.09789 SOUTH LATITUDE 30.13985 NORTH LATITUDE 34.9961 EXTENT GEOGRAPHIC EXTENT BOUNDING RECTANGLE EXTENT TYPE Extent used for searching * WEST LONGITUDE -91.651339 * EAST LONGITUDE -88.119415 * NORTH LATITUDE 34.998173 * SOUTH LATITUDE 30.201916 * EXTENT CONTAINS THE RESOURCE Yes EXTENT IN THE ITEM'S COORDINATE SYSTEM * WEST LONGITUDE 326412.873331 * EAST LONGITUDE 648858.417087 * SOUTH LATITUDE 1046615.198154 * NORTH LATITUDE 1577046.067731 * EXTENT CONTAINS THE RESOURCE Yes Hide Extents . Resource Maintenance . RESOURCE MAINTENANCE UPDATE FREQUENCY irregular Hide Resource Maintenance . Resource Constraints . LEGAL CONSTRAINTS LIMITATIONS OF USE No liability for content or accuracy is presumed by USGS for data. CONSTRAINTS LIMITATIONS OF USE None. However, users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and that some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated for products derived from these data. Hide Resource Constraints . Spatial Reference . ARCGIS COORDINATE SYSTEM * TYPE Projected * GEOGRAPHIC COORDINATE REFERENCE GCS_North_American_1983 * PROJECTION NAD_1983_Mississippi_TM * COORDINATE REFERENCE DETAILS PROJECTED COORDINATE SYSTEM WELL-KNOWN IDENTIFIER 102609 X ORIGIN -5122200 Y ORIGIN -12297100 XY SCALE 450339697.45066422 Z ORIGIN -100000 Z SCALE 10000 M ORIGIN -100000 M SCALE 10000 XY TOLERANCE 0.001 Z TOLERANCE 0.001 M TOLERANCE 0.001 HIGH PRECISION true LATEST WELL-KNOWN IDENTIFIER 3814 WELL-KNOWN TEXT PROJCS["NAD_1983_Mississippi_TM",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",500000.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",1300000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-89.75],PARAMETER["Scale_Factor",0.9998335],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",32.5],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3814]] REFERENCE SYSTEM IDENTIFIER * VALUE 3814 * CODESPACE EPSG * VERSION 6.17.1(10.0.0) Hide Spatial Reference . Spatial Data Properties . VECTOR . * LEVEL OF TOPOLOGY FOR THIS DATASET geometry only GEOMETRIC OBJECTS FEATURE CLASS NAME MS_Cemeteries_2023 * OBJECT TYPE point * OBJECT COUNT 6061 Hide Vector . ARCGIS FEATURE CLASS PROPERTIES . FEATURE CLASS NAME MS_Cemeteries_2023 * FEATURE TYPE Simple * GEOMETRY TYPE Point * HAS TOPOLOGY FALSE * FEATURE COUNT 6061 * SPATIAL INDEX TRUE * LINEAR REFERENCING FALSE Hide ArcGIS Feature Class Properties . Hide Spatial Data Properties . Data Quality . SCOPE OF QUALITY INFORMATION . RESOURCE LEVEL dataset Hide Scope of quality information . DATA QUALITY REPORT - CONCEPTUAL CONSISTENCY . MEASURE DESCRIPTION This data is compiled and updated by the USGS according to USGS standards. Hide Data quality report - Conceptual consistency . DATA QUALITY REPORT - COMPLETENESS OMISSION . MEASURE DESCRIPTION Each layer is extracted from the USGS national geospatial databases. Hide Data quality report - Completeness omission . DATA QUALITY REPORT - QUANTITATIVE ATTRIBUTE ACCURACY . MEASURE DESCRIPTION Content is derived from USGS national geospatial databases. The data is owned and hosted by the USGS, but does not preclude using data sources owned and hosted by other organizations, provided that these sources have been approved by the USGS data program. Hide Data quality report - Quantitative attribute accuracy . DATA QUALITY REPORT - ABSOLUTE EXTERNAL POSITIONAL ACCURACY . DIMENSION horizontal MEASURE DESCRIPTION This USGS product is compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS). NMAS horizontal accuracy requires that at least 90 percent of well-defined points tested are within 0.02 inch of the true position. Hide Data quality report - Absolute external positional accuracy . DATA QUALITY REPORT - ABSOLUTE EXTERNAL POSITIONAL ACCURACY . DIMENSION vertical MEASURE DESCRIPTION Vertical accuracy is not applicable to this dataset. Hide Data quality report - Absolute external positional accuracy . Hide Data Quality . Lineage . PROCESS STEP . WHEN THE PROCESS OCCURRED 2012-11-05 DESCRIPTION The data for this product are created as follows. All geospatial content is taken from national geospatial databases under the stewardship of USGS data programs. The vector data are processed using ESRI ArcGIS software and exported. Map formatting is performed using a custom application, which includes post-processing to embed the metadata XML document. Hide Process step . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Prisons/Correctional Facility ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Prisons/Correctional Facility PUBLICATION DATE 2015-02-03 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT Vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS Includes both private and government medium and high security prisons and correctional institutions. Low and minimum security institutions such as local jails, prison camps, correctional farms or work farms, detention and treatment centers are generally excluded. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State and Federal Partners, updates from USGS' The National Map Corps volunteers CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2007-01-01 ENDING DATE 2018-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Fire Stations ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Fire Stations PUBLICATION DATE 2020-30-01 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS This dataset contains points representing building locations of fire stations in the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Included are manned fire stations and buildings from which a fire response occurs, such as a volunteer fire department building to which fire fighters report for duty, but which is not continuously manned. Some locations are approximate. Locations solely for storing or maintaining fire equipment, or fire stations without a permanent location, or locations with only administrative functions are generally excluded. This data set may not be complete and is subject to change at any time. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corp volunteers CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2007-01-01 ENDING DATE 2020-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Points of Interest ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - various PUBLICATION DATE 2018-01-01 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS Includes campgrounds, trailheads, visitor centers, picnic areas, Ranger stations and federal land management agency headquarters. Point data was provided by various federal agencies, such as NPS, US Forest Service, BLM, US FWS. This data is subject to change at any time. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME Federal land management agencies CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2016-01-01 ENDING DATE 2018-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Courthouse Buildings ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Courthouse PUBLICATION DATE 2019-05-01 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS This dataset contains point features representing some types of courthouse buildings in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This includes county courthouses, state supreme courthouses, and the Supreme Court of the United States. The purpose is to document the spatial location and physical address of courthouse buildings for general cartographic representation purposes on USGS mapping products at 1:24,000 scale. This dataset does not contain appellate courts, federal courts, tribal courts, municipal, village, or town courts, specialty courts (e.g., family, probate, juvenile, or bankruptcy courts), or historic courthouse buildings which no longer function as an active court. The information in this dataset was collected between 2017 and 2018 by volunteers through the USGS The National Map Corps (TNMCorps) crowdsourcing project. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. Supplemental information: The County level court buildings handle the bulk of county-level court functions, usually located in the city designated as a county seat. The state supreme courthouse data represents the court buildings, usually located in the city designated as the state capital, which house the ultimate judicial tribunal in a state's court system. The Supreme Court of the United States is represented by a single data point. County level courts are referred to differently in different states. The data points for county courthouses may also contain superior, circuit, and district courts where the "County" court designation does not apply within an individual state court system. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME U.S. Geological Survey CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2017-01-01 ENDING DATE 2018-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Structures_Update ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - tint PUBLICATION DATE 2020-12-04 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data COLLECTION TITLE USA Structure Inventory OTHER CITATION DETAILS THIS FEATURE CLASS CONTAINS PRELIMINARY STRUCTURE (BUILDING) POLYGONS. The structures (buildings) are represented by polygon geometries with an attribute table described elsewhere in the metadata. WorldView-02 and WorldView-03 high resolution multispectral imagery was obtained for this collection. The raw imagery (1B product) was then pan-sharpened and orthorectified. Complete coverage with minimal cloud cover includes imagery acquired between 10/12/2011 and 10/16/2017 and spatial resolutions between 0.46-0.85 meters. Once the imagery pre processing was complete, training data was acquired and multiple convolutional neural network (CNN) models were generated. High Performance Computing (HPC) environments at ORNL were then used to apply the CNN to the imagery resulting in this preliminary structure (building) feature class. Minimal review if this dataset has been completed. Verification and validation of this dataset was conducted by an algorithmic model. See ‘Automated’ domain value for VAL_METHOD for more details. Only structure polygon results whose area is greater than 450 square feet are included in this feature class. The attribute schema associated with this feature class has been revised from previous data submissions. Population of some attributes is incomplete and identified in the Entity and Attribute Information section of this metadata. The visual representation of the features in this feature class have been improved RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME Oak Ridge National Laboratory CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION Time period date range corresponds the IMAGE_DATE field of the feature class TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2011-10-13 ENDING DATE 2017-10-16 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Hospitals ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Hospitals PUBLICATION DATE 2011-01-01 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT Vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS Includes general medical and surgical hospitals, psychiatric, substance abuse and specialty hospitals such as Children's hospitals, cancer, maternity and rehabilitation hospitals. Other types of hospitals are included if represented in data sets provided by various partners for this compilation. Hospitals operated by the US Department of Veterans Affairs are included. Nursing homes, long term care facilities and Urgent Care facilities are generally excluded. Locations that are administrative offices only are excluded from the dataset. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State and Federal Partners, updates from USGS' The National Map Corps volunteers CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2006-01-01 ENDING DATE 2018-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Law Enforcement ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Law Enforcement PUBLICATION DATE 2015-02-03 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT Vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS Included are locations where sworn officers of a law enforcement agency are regularly based or stationed. This dataset includes local police, county sheriff's offices, state police or highway patrol locations. Most federal law enforcement agency locations are not included. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State and Federal Partners, updates from USGS' The National Map Corps volunteers CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2005-01-01 ENDING DATE 2018-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Schools ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Schools PUBLICATION DATE 2008-01-01 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT Vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS The schools within this dataset are composed of Public elementary and secondary education in the US as defined and tracked by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), Common Core Dataset (CCD). Private schools in this dataset are composed of Private elementary and secondary education in the US as defined by the Private School Survey, NCES. The colleges and Universities are composed of postsecondary education facilities as defined by the Integrated Post Secondary Education System (IPEDS), NCES. Included are Doctoral and Research Universities, Masters Colleges and Universities, Baccalaureate Colleges, Associates Colleges, Theological seminaries, Medical schools and other health care professions, schools of engineering and technology, business and management, art, music, design, Law schools, Teachers colleges, Tribal colleges and other specialized institutions. Changes to base school data may occur through the USGS’ The National Map Corps Volunteer Geographic Information project. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State and Federal Partners, updates from USGS' The National Map Corps volunteers CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2008-01-01 ENDING DATE 2018-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE City and Town Hall Buildings ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - City/Town Hall PUBLICATION DATE 2020-03-28 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS This dataset contains points representing city hall and town hall government buildings in the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. This includes a building or building complex that serves as a primary location for a local or municipal government’s administrative functions. These buildings are generally called City Hall, Town Hall, Village Hall, Municipal Building, Municipal Center, City Building or similar designation. The purpose of this dataset is to document the spatial location of such buildings for general cartographic representation purposes on USGS mapping products at 1:24,000 scale. Supplemental information: Excluded are county, state, or federal level administration buildings or historical buildings that are no longer used for government administration. This dataset is dynamic and not complete at this time. Additions and updates are provided by volunteers through the USGS' The National Map Corps (TNMCorps) crowdsourcing project. Although these data and associated metadata have been reviewed for accuracy and completeness, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the display or utility of the data on any other system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME U.S. Geological Survey CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2011-01-01 ENDING DATE 2020-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic feature and feature name RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE State Capitol building ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - State Capitol building PUBLICATION DATE 2015-02-03 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS Includes the official State Capitol buildings for the U.S. states and territories. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State government websites CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2014-01-01 ENDING DATE 2014-01-01 Hide Source data . SOURCE DATA . DESCRIPTION Geographic features and feature names RESOLUTION OF THE SOURCE DATA SCALE DENOMINATOR 24000 SOURCE CITATION . TITLE Post Offices ALTERNATE TITLES Structures - Post Offices PUBLICATION DATE 2020-03-01 PRESENTATION FORMATS digital map FGDC GEOSPATIAL PRESENTATION FORMAT vector digital data OTHER CITATION DETAILS Locations designated as a Post Office by the U.S. Postal Service (USPS). The dataset includes those locations which are operated by USPS personnel and offer retail counter services. A Contract Postal Unit (CPU) is generally excluded except for Community Post Office (CPO). Some Remotely Managed Post Office and Village Post Office locations may be included. This dataset may not be complete and is subject to change at any time. RESPONSIBLE PARTY ORGANIZATION'S NAME State and Federal Partners, updates from The National Map Corp volunteers CONTACT'S ROLE originator RESOURCE LOCATION ONLINE LOCATION Hide Source citation . EXTENT OF THE SOURCE DATA DESCRIPTION ground condition TEMPORAL EXTENT BEGINNING DATE 2013-01-01 ENDING DATE 2020-01-01 Hide Source data . Hide Lineage . Distribution . DISTRIBUTOR . CONTACT INFORMATION ORGANIZATION'S NAME U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Technical Operations Center CONTACT'S ROLE distributor CONTACT INFORMATION . PHONE VOICE 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747) ADDRESS TYPE both DELIVERY POINT Box 25046 Denver Federal Center CITY Lakewood ADMINISTRATIVE AREA CO POSTAL CODE 80225 E-MAIL ADDRESS HOURS OF SERVICE Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM CONTACT INSTRUCTIONS Metadata information can also be obtained through online services using The National Map Viewer, at or EarthExplorer, at or Ask USGS at Hide Contact information . AVAILABLE FORMAT NAME Esri Shapefile VERSION nan FILE DECOMPRESSION TECHNIQUE ZIP lossless data compression has been applied using a DEFLATE algorithm. FORMAT INFORMATION CONTENT Spatial objects with unique identifiers and coordinate data. ORDERING PROCESS TERMS AND FEES None TRANSFER OPTIONS TRANSFER SIZE 247.66 ONLINE SOURCE LOCATION Hide Distributor . DISTRIBUTION FORMAT * NAME Shapefile VERSION 10.8.1 TRANSFER OPTIONS * TRANSFER SIZE 0.162 Hide Distribution . Fields . DETAILS FOR OBJECT MS_Cemeteries_2023 . * TYPE Feature Class * ROW COUNT 6061 DEFINITION cemeteries DEFINITION SOURCE USGS FIELD FID . * ALIAS FID * DATA TYPE OID * WIDTH 4 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 * FIELD DESCRIPTION Internal feature number. * DESCRIPTION SOURCE Esri * DESCRIPTION OF VALUES Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. Hide Field FID . FIELD Shape . * ALIAS Shape * DATA TYPE Geometry * WIDTH 0 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 * FIELD DESCRIPTION Feature geometry. * DESCRIPTION SOURCE Esri * DESCRIPTION OF VALUES Coordinates defining the features. Hide Field Shape . FIELD permanent_ . * ALIAS permanent_ * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 40 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field permanent_ . FIELD source_fea . * ALIAS source_fea * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 40 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field source_fea . FIELD source_dat . * ALIAS source_dat * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 40 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field source_dat . FIELD source_d_1 . * ALIAS source_d_1 * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 100 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field source_d_1 . FIELD source_ori . * ALIAS source_ori * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 130 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field source_ori . FIELD data_secur . * ALIAS data_secur * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 Hide Field data_secur . FIELD distributi . * ALIAS distributi * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 4 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field distributi . FIELD loaddate . * ALIAS loaddate * DATA TYPE Date * WIDTH 8 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field loaddate . FIELD ftype . * ALIAS ftype * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 FIELD DESCRIPTION 820 - cemeteries DESCRIPTION SOURCE USGS LIST OF VALUES VALUE 820 DESCRIPTION cemetery ENUMERATED DOMAIN VALUE DEFINITION SOURCE USGS Hide Field ftype . FIELD fcode . * ALIAS fcode * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 Hide Field fcode . FIELD name . * ALIAS name * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 100 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 FIELD DESCRIPTION name of cemetery DESCRIPTION SOURCE USGS DESCRIPTION OF VALUES name Hide Field name . FIELD islandmark . * ALIAS islandmark * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 Hide Field islandmark . FIELD pointlocat . * ALIAS pointlocat * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 Hide Field pointlocat . FIELD admintype . * ALIAS admintype * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 Hide Field admintype . FIELD addressbui . * ALIAS addressbui * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 60 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field addressbui . FIELD address . * ALIAS address * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 75 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 FIELD DESCRIPTION address of cemetery DESCRIPTION SOURCE USGS DESCRIPTION OF VALUES address Hide Field address . FIELD city . * ALIAS city * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 40 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field city . FIELD state . * ALIAS state * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 2 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field state . FIELD zipcode . * ALIAS zipcode * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 10 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field zipcode . FIELD gnis_id . * ALIAS gnis_id * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 10 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field gnis_id . FIELD foot_id . * ALIAS foot_id * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 40 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field foot_id . FIELD complex_id . * ALIAS complex_id * DATA TYPE String * WIDTH 40 * PRECISION 0 * SCALE 0 Hide Field complex_id . FIELD ObjectID . * ALIAS ObjectID * DATA TYPE Integer * WIDTH 9 * PRECISION 9 * SCALE 0 Hide Field ObjectID . Hide Details for object MS_Cemeteries_2023 . Hide Fields . Metadata Details . METADATA LANGUAGE English (UNITED STATES) METADATA CHARACTER SET utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format SCOPE OF THE DATA DESCRIBED BY THE METADATA dataset SCOPE NAME * dataset * LAST UPDATE 2023-07-14 ARCGIS METADATA PROPERTIES METADATA FORMAT ArcGIS 1.0 METADATA STYLE ISO 19139 Metadata Implementation Specification STANDARD OR PROFILE USED TO EDIT METADATA ISO19139 CREATED IN ARCGIS FOR THE ITEM 2023-07-14 08:12:19 LAST MODIFIED IN ARCGIS FOR THE ITEM 2023-07-14 83:71:20 AUTOMATIC UPDATES HAVE BEEN PERFORMED Yes LAST UPDATE 2023-07-14 08:14:48 Hide Metadata Details . Metadata Contacts . METADATA CONTACT ORGANIZATION'S NAME U.S. Geological Survey, National Geospatial Technical Operations Center CONTACT'S ROLE point of contact CONTACT INFORMATION . PHONE VOICE 1-888-ASK-USGS (1-888-275-8747) ADDRESS TYPE both DELIVERY POINT Box 25046 Denver Federal Center CITY Lakewood ADMINISTRATIVE AREA CO POSTAL CODE 80225 E-MAIL ADDRESS HOURS OF SERVICE Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM CONTACT INSTRUCTIONS Metadata information can also be obtained through online services using The National Map Viewer, at or EarthExplorer, at or Ask USGS at Hide Contact information . Hide Metadata Contacts . Metadata Maintenance . MAINTENANCE DATE OF NEXT UPDATE 2019-08-06 UPDATE FREQUENCY unknown OTHER MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Last metadata review date: 20180806 Hide Metadata Maintenance . Metadata Constraints . CONSTRAINTS LIMITATIONS OF USE None. However, users should be aware that temporal changes may have occurred since this data set was collected and that some parts of this data may no longer represent actual surface conditions. Users should not use this data for critical applications without a full awareness of its limitations. Acknowledgment of the U.S. Geological Survey would be appreciated for products derived from these data. This USGS product is compiled to meet National Map Accuracy Standards (NMAS). NMAS horizontal accuracy requires that at least 90 percent of well-defined points tested are within 0.02 inch of the true position. Hide Metadata Constraints . Thumbnail and Enclosures . THUMBNAIL THUMBNAIL TYPE JPG Hide Thumbnail and Enclosures . FGDC Metadata (read-only) . DETAILED DESCRIPTION ENTITY TYPE ENTITY TYPE LABEL MS_Cemeteries_2023 ENTITY TYPE DEFINITION cemeteries ENTITY TYPE DEFINITION SOURCE USGS ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL FID ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION Internal feature number. ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION SOURCE Esri ATTRIBUTE DOMAIN VALUES UNREPRESENTABLE DOMAIN Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated. ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL Shape ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION Feature geometry. ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION SOURCE Esri ATTRIBUTE DOMAIN VALUES UNREPRESENTABLE DOMAIN Coordinates defining the features. ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL permanent_ ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL source_fea ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL source_dat ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL source_d_1 ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL source_ori ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL data_secur ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL distributi ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL loaddate ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL ftype ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION 820 - cemeteries ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION SOURCE USGS ATTRIBUTE DOMAIN VALUES ENUMERATED DOMAIN ENUMERATED DOMAIN VALUE 820 ENUMERATED DOMAIN VALUE DEFINITION cemetery ENUMERATED DOMAIN VALUE DEFINITION SOURCE USGS ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL fcode ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL name ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION name of cemetery ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION SOURCE USGS ATTRIBUTE DOMAIN VALUES UNREPRESENTABLE DOMAIN name ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL islandmark ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL pointlocat ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL admintype ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL addressbui ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL address ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION address of cemetery ATTRIBUTE DEFINITION SOURCE USGS ATTRIBUTE DOMAIN VALUES UNREPRESENTABLE DOMAIN address ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL city ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL state ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL zipcode ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL gnis_id ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL foot_id ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL complex_id ATTRIBUTE ATTRIBUTE LABEL ObjectID Hide Entities and Attributes .