
Identification Information: Citation:

Citation Information:

Publication Date: 20160307

Title: Power_Plants

Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Vector Digital Data Set (Point)

Larger Work Citation:

Citation Information:

Title: Foundation Energy Data

Geospatial Data Presentation Form: GIS Data Project/Collection Online Linkage: https://hifld-dhs-gii.opendata.arcgis.com Description:

Abstract: This feature class represents power plants. Power plants are all the land and land rights, structures and improvements, boiler or reactor vessel equipment, engines and engine-driven generators, turbo generator units, accessory electric equipment, and miscellaneous power plant equipment are grouped together for each individual facility. Included are the following plant types: hydroelectric dams, fossil fuel (coal, natural gas, or oil), nuclear, solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. **** Geographical coverage includes the Continental United States. ****This feature class has a one-to-many relationship class (Power Plant Generating Units) with the "Generating Units" table. This captures the relationship between power plants and their generating units. "Power Plants" feature class is the origin using PLANT_CODE as the primary key. "Generating Units" table is the destination using PLANT_CODE as the foreign key.

Purpose: This feature class is for the Homeland Infrastructure Foundation Level Database (HIFLD) (https://gii.dhs.gov/HIFLD) as well as the Energy modelling and simulation community.

Supplemental Information: If you are using this dataset as a shapefile, please be aware that it was converted from a Geodatabase. As a result, this shapefile may have attribution and metadata errors resulting from the conversion process. The following are known issues: null values may have been changed to 0s (zeros) or to blank values, numbers (including latitude and longitude) may have been rounded up or down, there may be issues with Unicode character strings, and time cannot be stored in a date field. Field names may have been truncated to no longer than 10 characters or completely changed, lengthy string attributes may have been truncated to 254 characters, and attribute columns may have been deleted. Shapefiles do not support coded domains and subtypes therefore the original file geodatabase attribution and metadata information for coded domains and subtypes could be incorrect or missing in the shapefile version. Please visit the following ESRI website for more information: caution-http://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/tool- reference/appendices/geoprocessing-considerations-for-Shapefile-output.htm

Time Period of Content: Time Period Information: Range of Dates/Times: Beginning Date: 20140407

Ending Date: 20150930 Currentness Reference: observed Status:

Progress: Complete

Maintenance and Update Frequency: Continually

Spatial Domain:

Bounding Coordinates:

West Bounding Coordinate: -124.238063 East Bounding Coordinate: -67.003119 North Bounding Coordinate: 48.990284 South Bounding Coordinate: 24.563178 Keywords:


Theme Keyword Thesaurus: None Theme Keyword: fossil fuels Theme Keyword: power plants Theme Keyword: homeland security Theme Keyword: address

Theme Keyword: biomass Theme Keyword: geothermal Theme Keyword: generation Theme Keyword: hydroelectric Theme Keyword: megawatts

Theme Keyword: energy infrastructure

Theme Keyword: fuel

Theme Keyword: homeland defense

Theme Keyword: electric

Theme Keyword: power

Theme Keyword: emergency response

Theme Keyword: grid Theme Keyword: nuclear Theme Keyword: solar

Theme Keyword: generating units

Theme Keyword: wind Theme Keyword: operators Theme Keyword: capacity Theme:

Theme Keyword Thesaurus: ISO 19115 Topic Categories

Theme Keyword: structure


Place Keyword Thesaurus: None

Place Keyword: USA

Place Keyword: Continental United States

Access Constraints: None (Public Domain Information)

Use Constraints: None (Public Use). Users are advised to read the data set's metadata thoroughly to understand appropriate use and data limitations.

Point of Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Contact Address:

Address Type: mailing and physical Address: One Bethel Valley Rd, MS-6017 City: Oak Ridge

State or Province: TN Postal Code: 37831 Country: US

Contact Voice Telephone: 865-241-3976

Contact Facsimile Telephone: 865-241-6261

Data Set Credit: Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Geographic Information Science and Technology (GIST) Group, Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), Idaho National Laboratory (INL), National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Homeland Security Infrastructure Program (HSIP) Team

Native Data Set Environment: Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

Data Quality Information:

Attribute Value Accuracy Information:

Attribute Accuracy Report: No formal attribute accuracy test was conducted. Data from the authoritative sources (as identified in other sections of this metadata) is assumed to be correct and accurate. See also “Overview Description” in the “Entities and Attributes” metadata section.

Logical Consistency Report: Data were extracted from sources (identified in the SOURCE field) and other open source websites to populate the attribute fields; NOT AVAILABLE values (for string and date data types) and Null values (for numeric data types) denote missing data that was not present in the source data. During quality control, attributes were checked to ensure that they fell within the expected ranges or had expected/valid values. Text attribute values were checked for spelling and usage consistency. No topology tests were conducted. All records were verified to occur within the spatial domain of the feature class.

Completeness Report: Data is complete given available sources.

Positional Accuracy:

Horizontal Positional Accuracy:

Horizontal Positional Accuracy Report: None; all efforts are made to place the geographic representation of the facility on-entity using the best available imagery from a wide variety of sources. Users should read and understand the METHOD metadata as well as the Processing Steps.

Vertical Positional Accuracy:

Vertical Positional Accuracy Report: None; dataset contains no vertical data.


Source Information:

Source Citation:

Citation Information:

Title: see SOURCE field

Geospatial Data Presentation Form: Other

Publication Information:

Publisher: see SOURCE field

Type of Source Media: None

Source Citation Abbreviation: see SOURCE field

Process Step:

Process Description:

Authoritative data sources are identified through open source research. That data is then acquired and transformed into a usable data format.

The properly formatted data then goes through preprocessing steps that includes a geocoding operation to give spatial context to the data. The data goes through further refinement using remote sensing techniques.

After preprocessing, every record goes through a review process and each point is moved to a facility based on-entity location based on interpretation of the best available imagery and open source information. The DATE field indicates the date in which the review step took place.

Spatial Data Organization Information:

Direct Spatial Reference Method: Vector

Point and Vector Object Information:

SDTS Terms Description:

Point and Vector Object Count: 6958

Entity and Attribute Information: Detailed Description:

Entity Type:

Entity Type Label: Power_Plants

Entity Type Definition: Attribute fields were populated using sources identified in the SOURCE field for the period covered in the Time Period metadata and other open source data. NOT AVAILABLE values (for string and date data types) and Null values (for numeric data types) denote missing data that was not present in the source data. However, the missing data may be present in other sources not yet discovered and used in the creation and/or maintenance of this dataset. These records may be populated with valid information in future update cycles.

Entity Type Definition Source: Originator defined


Attribute Label: UTILITY_ID

Attribute Definition: Identification number associated with the power plant operator.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: OBJECTID

Attribute Definition: Internal feature number.

Attribute Definition Source: Esri

Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain: Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.


Attribute Label: LONGITUDE

Attribute Definition: The angular distance east or west from the prime meridian on the earth’s surface.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: -124.238063 Range Domain Maximum: -67.003119 Attribute Units of Measure: Decimal Degrees Attribute:

Attribute Label: Shape

Attribute Definition: Feature geometry. Attribute Definition Source: Esri Attribute Domain Values:

Unrepresentable Domain: Coordinates defining the features.


Attribute Label: PLANT_CODE

Attribute Definition: Code number associated with the power plant. Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: OPERATOR

Attribute Definition: Name of the power plant operator.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: SOURCE

Attribute Definition: Original source used to identify geospatial location and/or attribution for the feature. Frequently occurring sources include: Energy Information Administration's Annual Electric Generator data (EIA 860), Annual Electric Utility data (EIA 923), and the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Emissions; Generation Resource Integrated Database (eGRID).

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined


Attribute Label: METHOD

Attribute Definition: Methodology used to validate geospatial location and/or attribution for the feature.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: IMAGERY

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: The best available imagery used to determine the location.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: UNVERIFIED

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Feature could not be located or the feature has not yet been validated.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: OTHER

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Open source information used to determine the location.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: IMAGERY AND OTHER

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Imagery and supplemental open source information used to determine the location.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined


Attribute Label: CITY

Attribute Definition: City name.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: GEN_UNITS

Attribute Definition: Number of generating units at the power plant. Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values: Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0 Range Domain Maximum: 73 Attribute:

Attribute Label: SUB_2

Attribute Definition: Name of secondary substation (feature class) through which the power plant feeds electricity into the transmission grid.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: SUB_1

Attribute Definition: Name of primary substation (feature class) through which the power plant feeds electricity into the transmission grid.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: CAPACITY_FACTOR

Attribute Definition: A measure of how much electricity a power plant produced relative to the maximum it could produce at continuous full power operation during the same period. Equal to the quotient of NET_GEN divided by SUMMER_CAP multiplied by 8,760, the total hours in a year.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: -2.18451 Range Domain Maximum: 95 Attribute:

Attribute Label: NET_GEN

Attribute Definition: Power plant's net generation in megawatt hours (MWh) Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: -971903

Range Domain Maximum: 31431080

Attribute Units of Measure: Megawatt hours (MWh)


Attribute Label: SECOND_FUEL

Attribute Definition: Secondary fuel type used at the power plant

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: OIL

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Includes distillate/diesel oil, jet fuel, kerosene, other oil, other liquid, petroleum coke, refinery gas, residual oil, and waste oil.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Producer defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: DFO

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Distillate Fuel Oil (including diesel, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils)

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain: Enumerated Domain Value: WND

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Wind

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: GAS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Includes natural gas, propane gas, and butane gas

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WAT

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Water at a Conventional Hydroelectric Turbine, and water used in Wave Buoy Hydrokinetic Technology, Current Hydrokinetic Technology, and Tidal Hydrokinetic Technology

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BIOMASS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Includes agricultural byproducts, bagasse, black liquor, digester gas, landfill gas, methane, biogenic municipal solid waste, other biomass liquid, other biomass solids, paper pellets, sludge waste, wood (waste) liquids, and wood

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NOT AVAILABLE

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: A valid value for a feature in all likelihood exists but has not yet been found via open source or other means. These records may be populated with valid information in future update cycles.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: None

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: None

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: COAL

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Includes anthracite coal, bituminous coal, lignite coal, subbituminous coal, syncoal, refined coal, waste coal, and coal-derived synthetic gas

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: DATE

Attribute Definition: Date when geospatial location and/or attribution were last validated for the feature.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0 Range Domain Maximum: 0 Attribute:

Attribute Label: NAICS

Attribute Definition: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business

establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Codeset Domain:

Codeset Name: North American Industry Classification System, 2012 Codeset Source: US Census (http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/) Attribute:

Attribute Label: DESCRIPTION

Attribute Definition: Description of the power plant. Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined Attribute:

Attribute Label: NAME

Attribute Definition: Feature name.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: RETIRED_UNIT

Attribute Definition: Number of retired generating units at the power plant. Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0 Range Domain Maximum: 26 Attribute:

Attribute Label: RETIRED_CAP

Attribute Definition: Megawatt (MW) capacity taken out of service at the power plant based on retired generating units.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 2650.1 Attribute Units of Measure: Megawatt (MW) Attribute:

Attribute Label: WEBSITE

Attribute Definition: The feature specific website.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: PLANNED_UNIT

Attribute Definition: Number of future planned generating units at the power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values: Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0 Range Domain Maximum: 16 Attribute:

Attribute Label: PLANNED_CAP

Attribute Definition: Planned proposed future megawatt (MW) capacity for installation at the power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 2500

Attribute Units of Measure: Megawatt (MW)


Attribute Label: WINTER_CAP

Attribute Definition: Steady hourly megawatt (MW) output the power plant is expected to supply to system load as demonstrated by tests at the time of winter peak demand.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 7079

Attribute Units of Measure: Megawatt (MW)


Attribute Label: SUMMER_CAP

Attribute Definition: Steady hourly megawatt (MW) output the power plant is expected to supply to system load as demonstrated by tests at the time of summer peak demand.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 7079

Attribute Units of Measure: Megawatt (MW)


Attribute Label: OIL_USED

Attribute Definition: Amount of oil in barrels consumed by the power plant. Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 367422 Attribute Units of Measure: Barrels Attribute:

Attribute Label: NGAS_USED

Attribute Definition: Amount of natural gas in thousand cubic feet (Mcf) consumed by the power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values: Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 154313819

Attribute Units of Measure: Mcf


Attribute Label: COAL_USED

Attribute Definition: Amount of coal in short tons consumed by the power plant. Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 12393796 Attribute Units of Measure: Short Tons Attribute:

Attribute Label: NOTES

Attribute Definition: Any supplemental notes about the power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined


Attribute Label: NAICS_DESC

Attribute Definition: The North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) definition is the standard used by Federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishments for the purpose of collecting, analyzing, and publishing statistical data related to the U.S. business economy.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Codeset Domain:

Codeset Name: North American Industry Classification System, 2012 Codeset Source: US Census (http://www.census.gov/eos/www/naics/) Attribute:

Attribute Label: LINES

Attribute Definition: Number of transmission lines that are linked to the power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0 Range Domain Maximum: 25 Attribute:

Attribute Label: OPER_CAP

Attribute Definition: Maximum manufacturer rated megawatt (MW) output of power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 0

Range Domain Maximum: 6809

Attribute Units of Measure: Megawatt (MW)


Attribute Label: LATITUDE

Attribute Definition: The angular distance north or south from the equator on the earth’s surface.

Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined

Attribute Domain Values: Range Domain:

Range Domain Minimum: 24.563178

Range Domain Maximum: 48.990284 Attribute Units of Measure: Decimal Degrees Attribute:

Attribute Label: PRIMARY_FUEL

Attribute Definition: Primary fuel type used at the power plant.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BFG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Blast Furnace Gas

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Waste/Other Coal (incl. anthracite culm, bituminous gob, fine coal, lignite waste, waste coal)

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: RG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Unknown

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: LFG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Landfill Gas

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: COG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Unknown

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: DG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Unknown

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WND

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Wind

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: SUN

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Solar

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: PC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Petroleum Coke

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NOT AVAILABLE

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: A valid value for a feature in all likelihood exists but has not yet been found via open source or other means. These records may be populated with valid information in future update cycles.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: Originator defined

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WAT

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Water at a Conventional Hydroelectric Turbine, and water used in Wave Buoy Hydrokinetic Technology, Current Hydrokinetic Technology, and Tidal Hydrokinetic Technology

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NUC

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Nuclear (including Uranium, Plutonium, and Thorium)

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: OG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Other Gas

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: LIG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Lignite Coal

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: DFO

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Distillate Fuel Oil (including diesel, No. 1, No. 2, and No. 4 fuel oils)

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: OTH

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Other primary fuel used.

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BLQ

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Black Liquor

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: AB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Agricultural By-Products

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WDS

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Wood/Wood Waste Solids (incl. paper pellets, railroad ties, utility poles, wood chips, bark, and wood waste solids) Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: MSB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Biogenic Municipal Solid Waste Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: WO

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Waste/Other Oil (including crude oil, liquid butane, liquid propane, naphtha, oil waste, re-refined motor oil, sludge oil, tar oil, or other petroleum-based liquid wastes)

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: GEO

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Geothermal

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: BIT

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Bituminous Coal

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: SUB

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Subbituminous Coal

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Enumerated Domain:

Enumerated Domain Value: NG

Enumerated Domain Value Definition: Natural Gas

Enumerated Domain Value Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: COUNTRY

Attribute Definition: Country Code (3 character). Attribute Definition Source: Originator defined Attribute Domain Values:

Codeset Domain:

Codeset Name: Geopolitical Entities, Names, and Codes (GENC) Standard Codeset Source: National System for Geospatial Intelligence (NSG) Standards Registry (https://nsgreg.nga.mil/genc/discovery)


Attribute Label: ZIPCODE

Attribute Definition: Zip Code (5 digit).

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values: Codeset Domain:

Codeset Name: US Postal Zip Codes

Codeset Source: United States Postal Service (https://www.usps.com)


Attribute Label: STATE

Attribute Definition: State abbreviation.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Attribute Domain Values:

Codeset Domain:

Codeset Name: Two–Letter State and Possession Abbreviations Codeset Source: United States Postal Service (https://www.usps.com) Attribute:

Attribute Label: PHONE

Attribute Definition: General telephone number in the following format or reformatted to from the SOURCE to: (xxx) xxx-xxxx ext xxx.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.


Attribute Label: ADDRESS

Attribute Definition: Primary street address or PO Box.

Attribute Definition Source: The responsible organization as identified in the SOURCE field.

Overview Description:

Entity and Attribute Overview:

Attribute fields were populated using sources identified in the SOURCE field for the period covered in the Time Period metadata and other open source data. NOT AVAILABLE values (for string and date data types) and Null values (for numeric data types) denote missing data that was not present in the source data. However, the missing data may be present in other sources not yet discovered and used in the creation and/or maintenance of this dataset. These records may be populated with valid information in future update cycles.

Entity and Attribute Detail Citation: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Distribution Information: Distributor:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: HIFLD Subcommittee

Contact Electronic Mail Address: hifld@hq.dhs.gov

Distribution Liability: Distributor assumes no liability for misuse of data.

Standard Order Process:

Digital Form:

Digital Transfer Information:

Format Name: Vector Digital Data Set (Point)

Fees: None. No fees are applicable for obtaining the data set.

Metadata Reference Information: Metadata Date: 20160302 Metadata Contact:

Contact Information:

Contact Organization Primary:

Contact Organization: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Contact Address:

Address Type: mailing and physical

Address: One Bethel Valley Rd, MS-6017

City: Oak Ridge

State or Province: TN Postal Code: 37831 Country: US

Contact Voice Telephone: 865-241-3976

Contact Facsimile Telephone: 865-241-6261

Metadata Standard Name: FGDC Content Standard for Digital Geospatial Metadata

Metadata Standard Version: FGDC-STD-001-1998

Metadata Time Convention: local time