The US Geological Survey (USGS) National Wetlands Research Center and Coastal Wetlands Planning, Protection, and Restoration Act acquired digital photography flown during November and December of 2008 for the Gulf of Mexico Northern Region. This product provides 1 meter ground sample distance (GSD) ortho imagery. The tiling format of USGS imagery was based on a 3.75' x 3.75' quarter quad grid. The quarter quads are formatted to the UTM coordinate system using NAD83 Zones 15 (west) and 16 (east). Pike is UTM 15 - the remaining counties are UTM 16. The USGS imagery is 4 bands that allows for the creation of true-color along with CIR products. MARIS staff created directories of all quarter quad tif files forming a county. MARIS then used bands 1, 2, 3 to form compressed MrSid countywide true color imagery and then bands 4, 1, 2 to form a countywide CIR files. MrSid compression, with the mosaic option, was used at a target value of 15:1 for the compression ratio.
For further information, see the metadata or contact USGS National Wetlands Research Center:
Map of covered area: Map (.pdf file)
Filenames for True Color: (County files average 500 MB)
Filenames for Color Infrared: (County files average 500 MB)
Delivery Options:
Download the county true color files <countyname>08.* from the link: True Color
Download the color Infrared files <countyname>08_CIR.* from the link: Color Infrared
Original .tif files available via special request only.
For more information contact Steve Walker through telephone (601)432-6149 or email at: Email