1990 Census Designated Places

May 2011 - Mississippi River Flood

MARIS has gathered data and maps from a wide variety of sources in our efforts with MEMA to respond to the May 2011 flooding of the MS River. They can be downloaded from the ftp links below:

REST Endpoint

Data: FTP Download

County Maps: FTP Download

Imagery: FTP Download

KMZ (Google Earth format): FTP Download

Other PDFs: FTP Download

NOTE: We now have a maximum extent polygon shapefile from the USACE - Vicksburg and Memphis District.

We also have ½ meter resolution flood area imagery from the US Army Corps of Engineers. This data is in UTM NAD 83 meters - Zone 15 projection. MARIS staff mosaiced and compressed (at 15:1) the data into 5 images covering from the tip of Bolivar County down to the bottom of Wilkinson, including an image of the Yazoo Basin. MARIS also generated CIR images (Bands 4,2,1) of each of the 5 areas. Due to the size of the files (from 2 GB – 6.3 GB), please send and external drive to Steve at the above address for the data. Each set (5 images) is around 20 GB.

US Army Corps of Engineer’s Inundation Data
The inundated area data from the US Army Corps of Engineers is to be used with restrictions:

Shapefile of the latest inundated areas - contact Steve Walker at MVK-corpsbanner.jpg - USACE logo to be used on all maps with this data USACE _Disclaimer.txt – Disclaimer to be used on all maps

Please put the date of the shapefile and the assumed crest prominently on the map along with credit to USACE. If this map/shapefile is forwarded, please copy . MARIS will pass this data to USACE representative for their records.

For more information contact Steve Walker at: