1:24,000 Bureau of Census TIGER Files, 2010-2012

Coverages included:

Positional Accuracy: Horizontal accuracy is no worse than + or - 170 ft.
Coverage creation: The TIGER files were read from the "Southeast United States" TIGER CD-ROM. The Arc/Info TIGERARC command was used to create the Arc/Info coverages for each county. Further processing by MTC staff developed the ACODE and PCODE attributes. After these codes were checked for validity and consistency, the polygon and arc coverages were created.
Coverage editing: Using the Census Feature Class Codes (CFCC) in the TIGER coverages, the various geographic feature such as railroads, cities, county borders, etc. were extracted into separate coverages. These coverages were checked using the 1:100,000 USGS quad maps, US Census TIGER maps and MS county highway maps.
Enhancements: After the coverages were corrected and verified, the coverages, excluding the blocks, were appended to form statewide coverages. These coverages were checked for edgematching and consistency of coding.
Annotation: Annotation was created for the Census Places file using the 1:100,000 USGS quad maps and the polygon codes from the US Census TIGER coverage. This annotation was developed to be used for 1 inch = 1 mile (1:63,360) mapping.