Administrative Boundaries

NOTE: If there are any issues with the data, MARIS will direct you to the appropriate entity that created the data so that they may be resolved.

This category addresses the various boundaries used or defined by federal, state, and local units of government in Mississippi. The administrative data layers contains themes that define the jurisdictional areas of local governments, selected public land boundaries, and other special purpose administrative districts.

County This data is included in the standard county data release; however, data in that section may be legacy and may not necessarily be updated with the latest version.

MS811 This data is included in the MS 811 county packets; however, the data in those packets represents their version of that information.

911 PSAP Service Areas
Capital Complex Improvement District
CENSUS Designated Places 1990
CENSUS Designated Places 2010
CENSUS Designated Places 2020
CENSUS Incorporated Cities 2000
CENSUS Incorporated Cities 2010
CENSUS Incorporated Cities 2020
Chancery Court Districts
Circuit Court Districts
County Boundaries
Delta Regional Authority
Detailed Coastline
Highway Patrol Districts
Historical Counties 1785 to 2000
National Forest Proclamation Boundaries
Planning Development Districts
Prison Boundaries
Public Service Commission Districts
Southern Appalachia Sub Region
Supreme Court Districts
Updated City Limits
USACE Districts
Wildlife Management Areas
ZIP Code Boundaries