
Connect to the MARIS GIS Server using ArcGIS Pro PDF Download

Note: You cannot connect ArcMap 10.8 to ArcGIS Enterprise 11.3 because ArcMap is not supported for adding publisher connections to ArcGIS Server 11.0 or later. ArcMap-based publishing and administrative workflows are also no longer supported in ArcGIS Enterprise 11.x. You need to use ArcPro and the instructions above.


Interactive Mapping

MARIS, using ESRI webmapping tools, allows users to view, search, identify, and print various information from a pre-designed map on ArcGIS Server. Also included are mapping services from other GIS groups.


Map/Image Services

These are map/image services of multiple layers generated by MARIS of specific areas or projects and can be pulled into ArcGIS Online, Arc Script, ArcMap, and Google Earth.


Printable Maps

Maps pre-generated by MARIS staff (and other State agencies) in Adobe .pdf Acrobat icon format that can be printed using most software packages. These include Federal and MS Legislative maps, base maps, Census, Justice, Transportation, and Historic Maps.


Other Agency Services

These are map/image services of multiple layers generated by other agencies of specific areas or projects and can be pulled into ArcGIS Online, Arc Script, ArcMap, and Google Earth