Elevation Projects - This data is from a variety of projects from the MS Department of Environmental Quality, USACE, USGS, FEMA, and NRCS, NOAA, National Park Service, TVA, and the US Army to develop LIDAR, DEMs, and Contours. LIDAR which stands for Light Detection and Ranging, is a remote sensing method that uses light in the form of a pulsed laser to measure ranges (variable distances) to the Earth. These light pulses "combined with other data recorded by the airborne system" generate precise, three-dimensional information about the shape of the Earth and its surface characteristics. MARIS has available for delivery LIDAR data for ALL parts of the state.
A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a raster cartographic/geographic dataset of elevations in xyz grids representing the surface of an area.
These projects span from 2005-2020 and contains LIDAR files, DEMS, and contours.
Contours and DEMs - Mississippi 1:24,000 USGS topographic hypsography reprocessed contours. Contour intervals are 5, 10 or 20 feet depending on the area of the state. Supplemental contours (where applicable) are 5 or 10 feet. The MARIS Technical Center, under contract with USGS, reprocessed the contour data. NOTE: During September 2014, MARIS staff reevaluated all county contour files. The TYPE attribute was checked to make sure coding was correct for 1 - Index, 2 -Intermediate, and 3 - Supplemental contours. During this process, edits were also made for any errors in elevation that were easily recognized. A statewide file is now available along with a Map Service. Products include county contours and statewide 10 meter DEM.
Imagery Based Elevation - The MS Department of Environmental Quality developed imagery-based elevations based on the 2005/ 2006 two-foot imagery. Products include 2 foot contours for Coastal Post Katrina, County 5 foot, and Coastal 2 and 5 foot contours.
This links to the files that make up the 2018 USACE NCMP Topobathy Lidar: Gulf Coast (AL, MS) dataset in an orthometric vertical datum North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) using GEOID12B.
Because of issues with the data, MDEQ has requested this project be removed.
For more information please contact: Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
Geospatial Resources Division
700 North State St.
Jackson, MS 39202
(601) 961-5171
Project Name: 2009-2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District Lidar: Mississippi Delta Phase 2
Collection Year: 2010
Projection: SP 83 Survey Feet
Zone: 2302
Point Spacing: 1 meters
Vertical Datum: NAVD88
Vertical Units: Feet
Horizontal Datum: NAD83 2011
Products Available: Custom points, grids, and contours from the NOAA Digital Coast; UnClassified LAS swaths, all returns Breaklines, 1 Foot Contours, 2 Foot GSD Color Ortho TIF, TIN w/Hydro Flattening, DEM (Bare Earth w/hydro flattening, 5 Foot Posting, 1st pulse - all shots, 1st pulse - ASCII
5-Foot DEM tifs for both elevation and hillshades. Bolivar, Coahoma, DeSoto, Humphreys, Leflore, Quitman, Sunflower, Sharkey, Tunica, Warren, and Yazoo. The elevation DEM tiffs are 30 GB and the hillshade tiffs are 6 GB. Tiling Scheme
LIDAR Details
Project Name: 2009-2010 U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Vicksburg District Lidar: Mississippi Delta Phase 1
Collection Year: 2009
Projection: SP 83 Survey Feet
Zone: 2302
Point Spacing: 1 meters
Vertical Datum: NAVD88
Vertical Units: Feet
Horizontal Datum: NAD83 2011
Products Available: Classified LAS points, all returns Breaklines (ESRI 3-D Shapefile Arc Generate), 1 Foot Contours, 2 Foot GSD Color Ortho TIF, TIN w/Hydro Flattening, DEM (Bare Earth w/hydro flattening, 5 Foot Posting, 1st pulse - all shots, 1st pulse - ASCII
Project Name: 2005 MS Merged Lidar: Pre and Post Hurricane Katrina
Collection Year: 2005
Projection: UTM
Zone: 16
Point Spacing: 4 meters
Vertical Datum: NAVD88
Vertical Units:
Horizontal Datum: NAD83
Products Available: LAS
Point Cloud: Classified
County Contours 2024
Using Mississippi LiDAR sets and 1 to 4-foot resolution LiDAR DEMs (2015 – 2020) from MARIS , and other data and resources from USGS, NRCS, MDEQ, NOAA Coastal Services Center, Mississippi DOT, Mississippi State University, and Mississippi Coordinating Council for Remote Sensing and GIS , Waggoner Engineering developed one and two foot contours for 71 of Mississippi’s 82 counties.
There are also contours by Townships in the county geodatabases
The zip files are huge. Over 15 GB each
If you want the entire data set, we suggest sending an external USB Drive (at least 1TB) to: MARIS
Office 717
3825 Ridgewood Rd
Jackson, MS 39211
If this year’s MDEM funding comes through the contours for the remaining counties will be completed this year. If this year’s funding gets cut then all planed work will be moved to next year’s grant proposal.
Various agencies including NRCS, USGS, and MDEQ have developed LIDAR-based 1 foot contours for parts of the state including:
Camp Shelby Area 2016
Coastal 2015
MS Delta 2009-2010
NRCS East MS 2020
NE MS 2016
Southwest MS 2016
DownloadThis data is in various formats including shapefiles and geodatabases.
Reprocessed Contour Data
Mississippi 1:24,000 USGS topographic hypsography reprocessed contours. Contour intervals are 5, 10 or 20 feet depending on the area of the state. Supplemental contours (where applicable) are 5 or 10 feet.
The MARIS Technical Center, under contract with USGS, reprocessed the contour data.
NOTE: During September 2014, MARIS staff reevaluated all county contour files. The TYPE attribute was checked to make sure coding was correct for Index, Intermediate, and Supplemental contours. During this process, edits were also made for any errors in elevation that were easily recognized. A statewide file is now available along with a Map Service.
County 10 meter Hillshades Download A countywide 10 meter DEM Hillshade is available using the defaults: Azimuth – 315, Altitude – 45 and Z Factor – 1.
Vertical Datum is NGVD 1929
A statewide 10 meter DEM is available (4.2 GB) as well as a statewide Hillshade (900 MB) of the DEM using the defaults: Azimuth – 315, Altitude – 45 and Z Factor – 1.
Each zip file contains the entire directory including the info files. There is no need to import these files.
MS Coastal counties including: Pearl River, Stone, Harrison, Hancock, and Jackson and parts of Marion, Lamar, Forrest, Perry, Greene, and portions of Alabama, and Louisiana
NAD 1983 HARN SP East Projections Avg. Size = 200 MB / county
More MDEM DTM 5 Foot Contours 2006-2007 information Info
Post-Katrina (Dec. 2005) Coastal Data
In response to Hurricane Katrina, MARIS has compiled a set of data layers crucial to the response and recovery if another hurricane approaches. The data is separated by county for Harrison, Hancock, and Jackson. The data consists of I- Contours and II - Other Coastal Shapefiles: 20 vector layers and 2 image files. The file names all contain a FIPS code to allow displaying of the entire coast in one map.